Ultimate Fish Oil - Phil Richards Performance

Ultimate Fish Oil - Phil Richards Performance
  • Brand: Phil Richards Performance
  • Weight: 300 mil
Product no.: AD1722
Your price: £40.82
Availability: In stock
No. items in stock: 1



An incredible fish oil formulation (Super Brain oil) which supports and protects brain function


1 X 5ml teaspoon gives you an incredible: 440 mg EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid ), 315 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), 420 mg GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid), 200 mg Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E), 1000 IU Vitamin D, 1000 IU Vitamin A & 50 mg Coq10

Each Ingredient and it's function is explained in detail below:

Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin at all but a potent neuroregulatory steroidal hormone, shown to influence about 10 percent of all the genes in your body. No other nutrient, drug, or hormone has gained morescientific credibility than vitamin D. 

Insufficient vitamin D is linked to virtually everyage-related disorder includingcancer, vascular disease, and chronic inflammation. Adults (and children) withhigher vitamin D levels contract substantially fewercold, flu, and other viral infections.

Research has linked low levels of vitamin D to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

How critical is vitamin D to the functioning of the immune system? In terms of the immune system, vitamin D has extremely important, yet subtle effects. For example, studies have shown that people at higher latitudes have a higher rate of multiple sclerosis (MS)-possibly due to deficiency in vitamin D. In fact, several animal models have shown that with animals that can be induced with MS, they will not get MS if treated with vitamin D beforehand. Another study in Finland found that proper levels of vitamin D actually reduce the occurrence of Type 1 diabetes in children by about 80% 

In children, vitamin D is critically important. Without it, you'll have growth retardation, rickets and other skeletal deformities. In fact, rickets-once considered a disease from a hundred years ago-is on the rise. Why? There is not enoughvitamin D in breast milk. Children in particular need to get more vitamin D.


Vitamins A and D work synergistically, not antagonistically; if you take large amounts of vitamin A without vitamin D, you are likely to develop symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Likewise, if you take large amounts of vitamin D without vitamin A, you are likely to develop symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.


Vitamins A and D work together in balance to build healthy brain neurotransmitters.


Recent research indicates that vitamin A is necessary for both vitamin D binding and vitamin D release to receptor sites



A potent blend of ‘good’ fats to revitalise and re-energise your heart, brain and whole being. There's not an oil on the market that can compete with this phenomenal pharmaceutical blend of oils.


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DetailsOmega 3’s importance for cell membranes


Omega 3 fats form the basic structure of all our cell membranes. All life processes start and end at the surface of our cells. The surfaces are where all of the biological communication in your body takes place


DHA makes the cell membrane flexible and resilient. It allows insulin to be more effective on the cell surface and to stimulate the influx of blood glucose into the cell. Omega 3’s for developing Brain and during pregnancy Omega 3 fats, particularly DHA, are vital for development, especially creating the architecture of a baby’s brain. In early pregnancy, neurons are made at 250,000 per minute. DHA is essential to neuron production.


The amount of omega-3 in a pregnant woman's diet helps to determine her child's intelligence, fine-motor skills (such as the ability to manipulate small objects and hand-eye coordination), and also propensity to antisocial behaviour. More DHA makes better brains and bigger neurons.


Omega 3’s have both immediate and long term consequences that can affect a baby’s health for the rest of his or her life. DHA plays a big role in creating and storing chemicals involved in mood, memory and concentration.


A decrease of DHA in the developing brain alters the metabolism of the neurotransmitter chemical dopamine, which is vital to attention, motivation and child development.


Before, during and after pregnancy, omega 3’s play a critical role for both Mum and baby. Therefore, it is crucial for Mum to build and maintain adequate EPA, DHA stores.


Omega 3’s for prevention of Dementia & Alzheimer’s


In a study at Tufts University, researchers found that those with the highest blood levels of DHA were about 50% less likely to develop dementia and 39% less likely to develop Alzheimer's.


The new research suggests that a DHA-rich diet may lower one's risk of Alzheimer's disease and help slow progression of the disorder in its later stages. The journal Neuron reported the findings on Sept. 2004.


Omega 3’s and depression


There is a huge amount of evidence now linking omega-3 deficiency and depression. Around a quarter of the dry weight of our brain is made up of omega-3s and if you are deficient in them, the cells in your brain malfunction and you are much more likely to become depressed." Omega-3s are known as essential fatty acids.


Too little omega-3s have been linked to both attention deficit disorder (ADD) and depression. Research at Harvard has shown significant improvement in bipolar depression with large doses of omega-3supplements.


Omega-3 fatty acids also aid in the prevention of emotional disorders, and a deficiency can contribute to severe depression. The brain is the top source of fatty acids in the body, and it requires the omega-3s for optimal functioning. Sufficient levels of the neuro transmitter serotonin in the brain help bring mood into balance. DHA is necessary to facilitate the flow of serotonin across the synaptic junction.


Precisely how fish oil manages to boost serotonin is not well understood, but scientists speculate it may happen by changing the fat composition of membranes, which alter the actions of critical enzymes that convert tryptophan to serotonin and control its breakdown and re-uptake cycles.


There is also recent evidence that eating fish creates more serotonin simply because the body uses DHA to manufacture more synapses with more nerve endings that, in turn, produce more serotonin. It is like building more serotonin factories instead of just increasing the efficiency of serotonin that you have.


DHA shortages may result in low dopamine, serotonin and melatonin, leading to depression and sleep problems. Impaired serotonin function has been linked to long term aggression, violent behaviour and sleep disorders in humans.


Omega 3 helps prevent heart disease


The ability of omega-3 fatty acids to significantly reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death-- by 45 percent -- was demonstrated in the GISSI Prevention study, in which more than eleven thousand patients participated.


A recent review of the use of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of hypertension found that omega-3s protect against stroke and reaffirmed that the cardioprotective benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are related to their ability to improve blood pressure, vascular function, lipid metabolism , inflammation, and cardiac function.


Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids--found in oily fish and fish oils—protects against cardiovascular disease in people in developed countries Researchers found that omega-3 oils stop the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries, which is why oily fish and fish oils protect against heart disease and stroke.


Fatty acid deposits can block key routes to the heart or brain triggering an attack or stroke, but evidence continues to grow that consuming oily fish or taking fish oil supplements decreases the risk of such blockage.


One study involved 162 patients who were waiting to have surgery to remove fatty build-up or plaques in their arteries. The patients were divided into three groups and took either omega-3 fish oil capsules, sunflower oil capsules or a placebo capsule six times a day for an average of 42 days. After the patients’surgeries, doctors examined their plaques and found that therewere far fewer inflammatory cells in the plaques of patients who had taken the omega-3 fish oil capsules, leaving them less likely to have a heart attack or stroke.


Researchers said that increasing consumption of omega-3s will have protective effects, even among those who are not ill, and can reduce the risk of heart-related death.


Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation:


Fish oil plus gamma linolenic acid (GLA) as found in Super Brain Oil increase’s the body’s production of good eicosanoids (Anti-Inflammotaries). The increase in these eicosanoids caused the enhanced release of growth hormone from the pituatary gland and this increases muscle mass.


The omega-3 fatty acid-rich oils have been shown in hundreds of studies to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, including many studies in diabetics. The omega-3 fatty acids are being recommended to treat or prevent not only high cholesterol levels, but also high blood pressure, other cardiovascular diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, and many others.


More than two thousand studies on omega-3 fatty acids have been published in medical journals, adding up to a wealth of persuasive data, and many studies have found that supplements and omega-3 rich foods can significantly reduce levels of several inflammation-promoting compounds in people: thromboxane B2, prostaglandin E2, interleukin-1, and C-reactive protein. In a very real sense, fish oils snuff out many of the matches of inflammation.


Leukotrienes are the most powerful sources of inflammation yet discovered in the body, and their production can be inhibited by ingestion of omega-3 and GLA (borage oil) fatty acids, recommended as part of the regeneration diets.


In clinical trails, a majority of rheumatoid arthritics either stopped or reduced by half their anti-inflammatory medication after using combinations of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Basically, the omega-3s encourage the body's production of inflammation-suppressing compounds. They help remind the body to turn inflammatory reactions off when they are no longer needed.


GLA has found in high quantities in Super Brain oil (gamma-linolenic acid) is technically an omega-6 fatty acid, but it behaves more like an anti-inflammatory omega-3. It enhances the inflammation-suppressing effect of omega-3s.


Benefits of Borage Oil (GLA Source) as found in high quantities in Super Brain Oil


Benefits to females:


Borage oil helps in the prevention and treatment of many female medical problems such as premenstrual symptoms (PMS), hot flash, mood swings, endometriosis, female infertility, cramping during ovulation, tenderness of breasts, and menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown that borage oil is an effective treatment for a variety of skin disorders when taken both internally and applied topically to the affected area.


Taking borage oil as a supplement is known to increase the levels of PG1 in the skin, and help suppress inflammation of a chronic nature. According to a study released in the journal Diabetes Care, supplementation with GLA has shown promise in the reversal of diabetic neuropathy (a condition where the nerves degenerate and symptoms of pain and numbness follow).


Helping treat rheumatoid arthritis:


Recent research and study has revealed Borage oil that it relieves the inflammation people suffering from inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis without causing any side effects. The main cause of inflammation and destruction of joints in rheumatoid arthritis is due to tumor necrosis factor-alpha.


Gamma linolenic acid present in borage oil increases the levels of prostaglandin E and cAMP. These together suppress the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, resulting in reduces inflammation.


Anti inflammatory in nature. Recent researches have confirmed that borage oil helps in modulating pulmonary inflammation. This helps in improving the oxygenation process in the cells and functioning of lungs. Regular use of borage oil helps in the treatment of inflammatory problems like eczema, skin inflammation, skin dryness, and skin disorders. Borage oil is frequently used for reducing itching and treating skin lesions on the skin of infants


Benefits to blood circulatory system:


Borage oil helps in regulating blood circulation in the arteries and veins. It also prevents the internal clotting of blood. Regular use of borage oil helps in reducing the danger of diseases like high blood pressure and hypertension. The GLA present in this oil reduces body serums and thus protects the body from high cholesterol and heart diseases.


Benefits of CQ10


COQ10 is not only found in every cell in the body, it is needed by every cell in the body.


It's key benefits are:


• Helping the fight against free radicals


•Antioxidants such as CoQ10 can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.


• CoQ10 may have found its perfect partner in another potent antioxidant: vitamin E. Together they are the principle fat-soluable antioxidants in cells, and CoQ10 may help vitamin E act more effectively in the body.


What's the importance of COQ10 for heart disease?


The American Chemical Society's most prestigious honour, the Priestley Medal, was awarded to Karl Folkers, Ph.D., for his landmark Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) research. That’s because Folkers found that in addition to the benefits listed above, CoQ10’s most valuable role may lie in fighting heart disease.


In fact, he says he found the blood levels of CoQ10 to be significantly lower in heart-disease patients than in those who were disease free, and he discovered that 70 percent of his heart patients with congestive heart failure benefited from taking CoQ10.


Eminent heart surgeon Denton Cooley, M.D., agrees. He says that in heart biopsies, he found 75 percent of his cardiac patients had varying, but significant, deficiencies of CoQ10. Reports by over a hundred Japanese cardiac specialists who gave CoQ10 to thousands of patients with heart problems for nearly ten years also seemed to support these findings.


Interesting effects on cholesterol lowering drugs


CoQ10 levels tend to be lower in people with a high colesterol count, compared with healthy individuals of the same age. What’s more, certain cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins such as cerivastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin simvastatin and lovastatin) seem to reduce the natural levels of CoQ10 in the body.


Taking CoQ10 supplements can correct the deficiency caused by statins, without changing the medication's positive effects on cholesterol levels. As a result of its beneficial effects on one of the body’s most important organs, Folkers calls CoQ10 "a natural and essential co-factor in the heart."


How Vitamin E prevents heart attacks and why we should take it


On May 20, 1993, two papers showing that vitamin E reduces the risk of coronary heart disease were published in the New England Journal Of Medicine by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health. The results of these studies, which were publicized widely throughout the United States, convinced many people who had been skeptical of the ability of vitamins to prevent heart disease and other lethal diseases, to start taking dietary supplements.


The reasons for all the hoopla over the Harvard studies was the fact that the scientists studied (prospectively) a vast number of subjects (39,910 male health professionals and 87,245 female nurses) for a lengthy period of time (4 years for the men and up to 8 years for the women), and that they found a major reduction in the risk of heart disease (40%-to-50%) in subjects who took vitamin E supplements (at least 100 IUs a day) for at least two years. The fact that the scientists were at an eminent university (Harvard) and had published in a prestigious journal (The New England Journal Of Medicine) added to the public impact of the studies.


Other Health Benefits of Vitamin E:


• Prevents the clogging of arteries that contributes to heart disease


• May reduce the risk of death from stroke in post menopausal women


• May reduce the risk of stroke in people undergoing treatment for atherosclerosis


• Inhibits the growth of cancer cells in cancers associated with hormonal causes (i.e., prostate cancer, breast cancer)


• Reduces sensitivity to the sun in photodermatitis


• May prevent osteoarthritis, and is useful for pain relief and treatment of inflamed joints


• Improves cognitive performance in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and in conjunction with Vitamin C, may prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease


• Helps prevent the long term consequences of menopause, and is the best option to reduce hot flashes in menopausal women


• Protects against cataracts and age related macular degeneration


• Helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes, and may help prevent damage to the eyes and nerves associated with diabetes


• Slows the effects of aging


• Improves the speed of healing wounds


• Lowers blood pressure


• Reduces scarring from wounds and injuries


• Slows progression of Parkinson’s disease


• Helpful in treating lupus


• Avoiding miscarriage in cases where vitamin E deficiency is a promoting factor

Review Heart and Brain Oil - Phil Richards Performance

Date 08/08/2012


Rated from 10 10


Researched this product & quite simply failed to find anything on the market to compete with it. Was away for a few days & forgot to take it with me & the difference I felt was noticeable. The DHA & EPA amounts are extremely high & cannot reccommend this product enough.


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