Beta MaXX - NRG-X Labs

Beta MaXX - NRG-X Labs
  • Brand: NRG-X Labs
  • Weight: 240 capsules
Product no.: AD10
List price: £34.99
Your price: £23.99
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Availability: In stock
No. items in stock: 2


Beta-Alanine Complex Formula! When Creatine Stops, Beta-Alanine Starts.

·         Boost explosive or fast twitch muscular strength and power output

·         Increase lean muscle mass and pumps

·         Boost muscular anaerobic endurance

·         Increase aerobic endurance and helps with recovery time!

·         Increase intracellular carnosine (up to 80% more) levels and fight muscular fatigue & metabolic acidosis

Beta-Alanine just plain works, it's been the work horse for many of the most popular supplements on the market today. Beta-Alanine is the most effective supplement for adding lean muscle mass and increasing strength. Give it a try today and see why this is THE supplement you NEED to be adding to your diet! Combine this with the CEE 3000 from NRG-X Labs and you'll have one of the most potent supplement combos  available on the market today.

Research has shown in just 4 weeks of taking Beta MAXX you will see increased carnosine concentrations by more than 50% which will result in faster recovery, more strength and better more intense pumps. By staying on Beta MAXX for more than 14 weeks levels can reach as high as 80% in the muscle.  

Check out what supplements you are taking right now... chances are, if you are seeing results off of them, that they have a combination of CEE and Beta-Alanine in them- so why pay inflated prices for these supplements, buy CEE 3000 and Beta MaXX from NRG-X Labs and see the same results at a fraction of the price!

Nutritional details:
Serving Size: 3 Caps
Servings per Container: 80

Beta Alanine - 1950mg

Beta-MAX Complex - 272mg 

(N-Acetyl Cysteine, Methylsufonyimethane, ALA, Ginger Root, Calcium Ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate, Grape Seed Extract (95%), L-Norvaline, Niacin (*50%) & Vitamin B-6 (*500%)


Recommended use:

As an adult dietary supplement, take 3 capsules 30 minutes prior to workout with water or a simple carbohydrate. Take a second 3 capsule serving after working out with water or carbs. Continue taking 3 capsules twice daily on non workout days.

NOTE: To lessen the harmless tingling or flushing sensation some sensitive uses may experience from Beta-Alanine, try using 3 doses of two capsules daily or with food.

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